How Much Does Turnover Cost Your Masonry Company?

The construction industry faces a pervasive challenge: high employee turnover. For masonry companies, the stakes are particularly high, given the specialized skills required for the job. But what exactly does turnover cost your business, not just in monetary terms but also in productivity and team morale?

The Immediate Financial Impact of Hiring

The process of hiring a new mason involves considerable expense, averaging around $1,500 per hire. This cost encompasses advertising the position, interviewing candidates, and the administrative expenses of onboarding. Moreover, the timeline from initiating the hiring process to having a new mason fully operational can stretch from 30 to 40 days, a period during which productivity dips are inevitable.

The Hidden Costs of Employee Turnover

Training and Onboarding

Beyond the initial financial outlay, training a new team member represents a significant investment. With an average hourly rate of $25 and a 40-hour workweek, companies spend upwards of $12,000 over a 12-week training period. This figure doesn’t account for the time and resources allocated to the trainer, further inflating costs.

Loss of Productivity

The departure of an experienced mason disrupts workflow and diminishes the team’s overall productivity. New hires require time to reach the proficiency level of their predecessors, leading to delays and potential compromises in quality.

Morale and Team Dynamics

High turnover rates can erode team morale and cohesion. The constant influx of new faces challenges the establishment of strong team dynamics and can lead to a sense of instability among remaining employees.

Long-term Implications of Turnover

Quality of Work

Frequent turnover can degrade the quality of your company’s work. Experienced masons possess a level of expertise and craftsmanship that is not immediately replaceable, affecting the overall standard of projects.

Customer Satisfaction

The continuity provided by a stable team is crucial to meeting project deadlines and maintaining high-quality standards, both of which directly impact customer satisfaction.

Brand Reputation

Your workforce’s stability is a testament to your company’s reputation. High turnover rates can signal to prospective clients and employees that there may be underlying issues within your organization, potentially deterring business and talent.

The Solution: Investing in Your Workforce

To mitigate the costs associated with high turnover, investing in tools and equipment that enhance workplace safety and efficiency is crucial. For instance, the Material Unit Lift Enhancer (MULE) can significantly reduce the physical strain on workers, lowering the risk of injuries and improving job satisfaction.

Strategies for Employee Retention

Beyond physical tools, fostering a positive work environment and offering competitive benefits are key strategies for retaining talent. Encouraging feedback, providing opportunities for advancement, and recognizing employee achievements can contribute to a more loyal and engaged workforce.


The true cost of turnover in the masonry industry extends far beyond the immediate expenses of hiring and training. It encompasses lost productivity, compromised quality, and the potential erosion of company culture. By investing in your workforce’s health, safety, and satisfaction, you can not only reduce turnover but also enhance your company’s reputation and bottom line.

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