Planet-Wide r/Futurology Meetup to celebrate 14 million+ subscribers!

Vote on your city here to get selected!

Thank you for subscribing to r/Futurology. To celebrate 14 million+ subscribers we’re planning a meetup in every major city across the globe! A chill evening at your local bar or a walk by the beach, where you can get-together with fellow Futurologists to discuss and debate what the future holds. Get yourself some of those sweet cross-industry connections while you’re at it. This is a completely anonymous meetup, so there’s just one rule: Do not ask for usernames. If you’d like to give out your own, you’re free to do so, but no asking.

However, make sure you ask each others’ dates for the first AGI [Artificial General Intelligence]. 🧐

Since this is a global meetup, we’ll need a few “Meetup Organizer” volunteers from each city. As a volunteer, your responsibilities will include:

  • Choose a hangout spot that’s of a fairly equal distance from everyone attending.
  • Setup a chat group on any desired app that’s popular in your country and submit it to us (Futurology mods) so we can distribute it out to everyone in their respective cities.

Please mention if you’d like to volunteer while you’re voting for your city. We are recruiting new moderators for our sub, so if you turn out to be a great organizer, you get major points if you choose to apply to become a moderator.

If you’d like to discuss the upcoming meetup with other members or have any questions for the moderators, step into our official Discord server and head on over to the #meetup channel.

submitted by /u/TransPlanetInjection
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