r/Futurology Podcast JULY-2019: Blockchain currencies, Bitcoin, Facebook’s Libra & the future implications of 5G networks

Link to the podcast here.

Has Bitcoin’s recent rise in the markets been triggered by anything other than pure speculation? Are there more real-world use-cases of Bitcoin being a better alternative than traditional money?

Is Facebook’s “cryptocurrency” project Libra is expected to be released this year. Is this an actual crypto that has use or just a way for FB to get on the “crypto” bandwagon?

How does all this impact the much wider topic of the implementation of blockchain currencies?

Lastly we talk about the roll-out of 5G networks.

Will 5G be what truly ushers in AR & VR? Does its model of low latency/high bandwidth overcome the problems existing VR solutions have had with the high cost of VR’s local computing needs?

When/If VR/AR the new predominant computing paradigm – will we have new tech giants? Can existing ones adapt?

Is this tech something else accelerating the trend for economic dislocation via globalization/automation.

submitted by /u/lughnasadh
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